Invited Speakers

Introducing our invited speakers for APSS 2025:

Dr. Mike Bedford

Born and raised in Birkenhead, UK, Mike completed a Bachelors Degree at Nottingham University in Animal nutrition, physiology, nutrition and production (1978-81). After meeting with John Summers there, he went on to do a Masters at the University of Guelph, Canada, in Poultry amino acid nutrition with Prof John D. Summers as supervisor (1981-1984).
Mike then completed his PhD at the University of Guelph (1984-1988) on Interaction of nutrition with poultry polyamine biochemistry, with Profs Trevor K. Smith and John Summers as supervisors. Post-Docs at McGill (Montreal, 1988-1989, D Zadworny) and Saskatchewan (1989-1991, Hank Classen) in molecular biology and enzymes in poultry nutrition respectively. Since then he has worked in the industry on feed enzymes principally at Finnfeeds International (1991-2001), Zymetrics (2001- 2007) and finally AB Vista (2007-present) where he has been the Director of Research for almost 20 years.

Mike has produced over 350 publications including more than 250 full refereed journal articles, principally in the field of feed enzymes, more than 30 popular press articles and 6 book chapters. He has also published 3 books including 3 editions of “Enzymes in Farm Animal Nutrition”.

Dr. Michael Kogut

Dr. Kogut is a Research Microbiologist and Lead Scientist at the Southern Plains Agricultural Research Center, College Station, TX. He has published over 220 peer-reviewed scientific papers, 20 book chapters, and has received 5 patents.
Dr. Kogut’s research has concentrated on the development of cost-effective immunological interventions to improve gut health of poultry by studying the role of the microbiota in immunity to infection; the role of dietary metabolites in promoting immune regulation and immune responses to enteric bacterial pathogens; characterizing novel molecular targets that mediate the actions of dietary compounds in gut inflammation and immunity; and understanding the integration of central metabolic pathways and nutrient sensing with antimicrobial immunity.

Dr. Kogut is a PSA Fellow and is the current Editor-in-Chief of Poultry Science.

Assoc. Prof. Sonia Liu

Associate Professor Sonia Liu is a poultry nutritionist from the University of Sydney, Australia. Her research focuses on reduced protein diets, digestive dynamics of nutrients, amino acid nutrition in layers and broilers and feed grain quality. Sonia has more than 100 peer-reviewed scientific publications. She is the recipient of 2015 Australian Department of Agriculture, Science and Innovation Award for Young People, 2018 The Australia Awards – Endeavour Research Fellowship and 2019 Australia Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award.

Recently, Dr Sonia Liu who has won the ARC Early Career Industry Fellowship. This is on top of the ARC Linkage Project she secured earlier this year worth over a million dollars to examine the use of reduced protein diets in poultry production.
You can read all about these grants in the latest Poultry@Sydney Newsletter.

2025 Sponsors